We at Abbeylands Nursing Home take particular pride in the level of Activities we make available for our Residents. We have a dedicated and professional Activities Coordinator who is on hand to cater for the needs of our Residents. We constantly review our menu of Activities in consultation with our residents to ensure all interests are catered for. Some of our Activities are listed below and are under constant review to cater for new residents.
- Live traditional Music nights
- Reflexology
- Exercise Classes
- Dancing
- Bingo
- Cinema Nights
- Cards
- Pet Therapy
- Arts & Crafts activity & Classes
- Baking Classes
- Canvass Painting classes
- Weekly mass in our Church
- Monthly Confession and Pastoral care
- A variety of Day trips
- Day care outings to the local day care facility in the village
- Gardening
- Drama nights
- Mobile Library service (monthly)
- Fit for Life Classes (twice weekly)
- Pastoral Care for all religions