Our Staff
All the team at Abbeylands are highly skilled in their professions. Our experienced Director of Nursing manages the team with the assistance of our Clinical Nurse Manager and Professional Registered Nursing Staff ensure all of your Medical requirements are met; we have on call our dedicated GP Dr. Jack Griffin, however should you wish to retain the services of your own GP our team will be more than happy to provide the medical care you require under their direction.
All our Care Assistants are fully Qualified to Fetac level 5 and are trained to provide the best care possible for you with tailor made care plans to suit your needs and wishes.
The assessment of each Resident on admission is carried out by our Medical Team in conjunction with your GP or Hospital Consultant enabling the Care Team to formulate a plan of care that addresses your physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Abbeylands will ensure that your family becomes part of the care plan formulation and settling in period During care plan meetings the family and resident can feel free to ask questions and discuss their needs openly to ensure all areas of care and well being are covered.
Our Professional Team is continually trained in new methods and techniques of care provision ensuring that you and your family can fell confident and relaxed in our Homely environment.